Innovative hardware components as Routers, Switches or other networking devices typically have a long lasting technical lifecycle, but a very short period of use. It’s not even an exception that special spare parts are not used at all before the devices are replaced by a new generation of models. This is one of multiple reasons why IT overall has very bad reputation with regards to ecological as well as economical aspects.
Tellus Networks GmbH is using it’s technical and functional knowledge as well as awareness that the use of an innovative IT-Remarkting is not only able to provide IT-Hardware a second-life, but also multiple benefits towards the customers who are using it:
Enabling your IT-Infrastructure to be implemented and expanded much more cost-effective as well as without any loss of quality or performance aspects.
High decrease of resource and energy waste while automatically supporting ambitious ecological environmental- & renewable energy projects that are planned, executed and monitored transparently.
We initiate our own ecological projects instead of relying on third party providers to make sure to provide the highest level of transparency. For you as our customer, we are able to supply you the result of those project as CO2-certificates you can trust. With those certificates, we are offering you an additional free of charge module to support your company-wide emission reduction plans, that go far beyond the usual type of sustainable compensation plans for the individual product that has been bought.
Tellus Networks GmbH has committed to the target to supply valuable IT-Products through the quality intensification process of IT Remarketing and Refurbishment. Beside cost-saving, those Products contribute 1:1 to resources and emission reduction within the IT-Infrastructure environment.
On top of that, we want to add a real value with the support of our non-profit Tellus associate company by highly supporting ecologically worthwhile environmental- & renewable Energy projects where our customers as well as supporters have the opportunity to become co-creators. Get convinced by our doubled Sustainability.
We aim to be the role model for real sustainability and quality in the IT industry – we will show our customers that following our target of multidimensional sustainability can be successful on all three levels – oeconomical, oecological as well as from a cultural point of view.
We provide a solution for companies and other organizations to add a key value to their investments on IT-Infrastructure by gaining a significant amount of trusted CO2-Certificates which can be used in other company segments for compensation. Given that, the usually dirty and cost-intensive corporate IT can be enhanced to a gamete for real sustainability.
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